Author, Speaker

Jean M. Walker

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Jean M. Walker is a writer and speaker. In her first book published in March of 2017, Jean discusses the strange paranormal events that have occurred throughout her lifetime. See the book page for more information about Family Secrets. Jean has more books in the works - including a cookbook! 

Jean Walker is available to speak at meetings and conferences about her strange, yet true experiences. Audiences find her story fascinating, and she is a dynamic and entertaining speaker. 

Contact Jeanto schedule her for your next event or radio talk show. 

Jean M.Walker

Out of This World Recipes

by Jean M. Walker

Contact Jean directly to order

Two Women and a Map:

Jean Walker and Margie Kay have worked together doing UFO and paranormal investigations for 10 years. They now do a fascinating power point presentation for conferences and meetings, and are currently working on a book together which outline the many strange things that have happened while they did these investigations. The presentation is updated as new information is added. The two are available to speak at conferences.

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Family Secrets

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